Check24 - Fintech Europe


Check24 online portal started in August 1999, as a comparison portal for car insurance. It was first called Einsurance Agency AG. In the beginning, it had only 20 employees. It continued to grow in 2008, merging the insurance comparison portal with the portals for finance, credit, electricity and gas prices comparison.

The company is headquartered in Munich, Germany. Today, it employs almost 1400 employees. Since going online, Check24 has served more than 15 million consumers on the search for the best prices in the market. The motto of the company is "Here, I check everything".

Check24 compares almost anything for consumers

Check24 is a German online comparison portal. As the leading comparison provider in the German market, it enables private customers an opportunity to compare prices for almost anything. You can compare insurances, credits, electricity and gas, flights, travel arrangements, and many more. Also, a large number of shopping categories are available for comparison.

For example, you want to rent a car for your trip. On the website, you choose the comparison for car rental and enter all the details. The details should cover the pick-up location, pick up date and time, as well as the return date and time. You also need to enter the age of the driver. Once all the details are entered, a variety of car rentals available are shown, with prices compared. In every moment, the portal shows neutral and transparent prices and services. This way, consumers can get an honest overview of the market and make a smart buying decision.

Consumers benefit from excellent customer care available by phone. An account manager is also available, as well as a possibility to cancel the purchase in only one click.

The most commonly used categories for comparison are car insurance, credit, electricity, mobile phones with contracts, travel arrangements, and car rentals. The market coverage for gas, electricity, and telecommunications is almost incredible 100%. This provides full transparency of the prices and services overview for this market segment.

The portal service is free of charge for the consumers. Still, Check24 receives a commission from the providers every time a purchase has been completed. Also, the customers can only give a review and rate the providers after the purchase. This way, only trustworthy reviews are shown on the portal.

Check24 relies on the latest technologies, to provide the best comparison services to the customers. The comparison can either be done online, on the website or through a mobile app. The Check24 app is available for both Android and iOS, covering all segments of the mobile market.

Check24 has received many awards for the quality of its services. The main idea behind this portal is to provide a transparent view of the market, serving the convenience of the consumers. By showing different prices for the same products, consumers get the opportunity to choose what's best for them. 

The portal follows strict data protection guidelines in order to protect sensitive customer data. User-friendly interface and high-quality service are the reason why this comparison portal is number 1 in Germany.


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