Northmill - Fintech Europe


Northmill is a technology bank, which was founded in Stockholm, Sweden in the year 2006. Their main goal is to simplify and help people manage their finances, with the bonus of saving their time and energy.

Since its inception, in addition to their main office in Sweden, Northmill has successfully managed to establish themselves in Katowice, which is located in Poland, as well as in Helsinki, Finland. The company employs over 120 employees, who are in turn servicing roughly 200,000 satisfied customers.
Northmill is clearly about to challenge traditional banks

Northmill believes that technology can be used in our daily life to make our work as seamless and efficient as possible. Due to this belief, the talented IT technicians at Northmill have used automation at every step of the way, adding efficiency to their work tremendously. This thinking process has made it possible for the think tanks at Northmill headquarters to come up with tailor-made products for their customers that are made with passion, are easy to understand and simple to use for everyone.

It Is also important to note that Northmill was able to embrace the best technology our time has to offer at a very early stage. They were one of the first technology banks to allow its customers to submit their loan applications digitally from their mobile phones, as well as identifying and registering their users via electronic ID.

All this was being done by Northmill way before the average smartphone was available to the general public, as it is now in the present age. This is proof of the cutting-edge technological advancements that the highly talented visionaries in charge of Northmill are capable of.

As Northmill is a bank, it is subject to the Banking and Financial Business Act (2004:297). Northmill also comes under the watchful supervision of the Finansinspektionen, which is the Swedish supervisory authority. They have always prioritized the highest quality of their service. As a result, consumer protection and transparency are their top priority.

One of the services provided by Northmill is the Rebilla Card. It is a completely free card, with 45 days interest-free period, that runs on smart technology, which analyses user data and gives the cardholder suggestions about spending their money smartly. Rebilla Card also has another embedded service called Rebilla Reduce, which is available to all customers with existing credit card bills or part payments between SEK 1,000 and SEK 300,000.

Rebilla Reduce lets you upload your invoice and see how much money you will be able to save. In addition to all these, the Rebilla card has a special loyalty program, which is called the Rebilla Reward. This special loyalty program aims at encouraging customers to pay on time which will, in turn, reduce their interest rates which ultimately leads to lowered monthly cost on the cardholder.

In addition to all this, Northmill has set its sights on building a cloud-based bank. Northmill has proven itself to be well capable and technologically equipped to handle the ever-rising challenges of pushing the limits. Armed with their visionary employees who helped create cutting edge products like the Rebilla Card, as well as Rebilla reduce, Northmill will stay true to its original purpose, which was to help people manage their finances in the most simplified manner.


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